![]() constitution and rules THE OLYMPUS CIRCLE IS NOW CLOSED |
The Olympus Circle Officials are: Secretary: Terry Hardy, Bath, UK. Telephone 44 0 1225 858723, email: thardy.2@btopenworld.com. Treasurer: Bill McArdle, Sandbatch, UK. Telephone 44 0 1270 763983, email treasurer@biofos.com. Editor: John Foster, Richmond, UK. Telephone 44 0 1748 884644 email john@biofos.com. Business Account: Details on request - members only. RULES part 1: (a) For members applying for membership manually: Each member receives a copy of the TOC rules before applying for membership. A signed application form is deemed acceptance of all TOC rules. (b) For members joining TOC on-line: We ask potential members to carefully read the following section 'RULES'. When you have read the rules and apply for membership by sending the fee electronically you are accepting the said 'RULES'. RULES part 2: The rules of TOC are: [a] NAME: The name of the group shall be THE OLYMPUS CIRCLE. [b] AIMS: [i] To be a source of information and advice to members interested in acquiring, collecting and/or using any format of Olympus camera. [ii] To promote general interest in the Olympus marque by research, documentation and publication in the circles’ magazine "Quest" and by photographic challenges, cameos and portfolios. [iii] To provide a number of services to members, including access to archive material held, handbooks, repair manuals, lists of approved repairers, service centres and specialist dealers. [c] MEMBERSHIP: Membership is open to all interested parties. However, membership and renewal is at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee. Application for membership and renewal implies acceptance of these rules. [d] SUBSCRIPTIONS: The Executive Committee shall determine the annual subscription. Subscriptions will fall due on the first of September. Members not renewing their subscription eight weeks following the renewal date will be deemed to have resigned and will be removed from the membership list. Rejoining will incur a £3.00 late renewal penalty. [e] MANAGEMENT: The Executive Committee will manage the business of the Circle in an economical and efficient manner, and is comprised of Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, Magazine Editor and any other such post as deemed necessary. The Executive Committee shall have full power to deal with any matters relating to the running of the Circle. [f] ALTERATION OF RULES: None of the rules herein may be altered without the full approval of the Executive Committee. [g] LIABILITY: The Executive Committee shall not be held responsible for any action howsoever arising from transactions or discourse between members. [h] DISSOLUTION: No dissolution of the Olympus Circle may take place until the Executive Committee has informed all current members. Any monies remaining after legal settlement will be shared equally between current members.
Posted 2004/12/12 | Copyright © 2004 John Foster |